Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Lunch @ Sun Ray Cafe

Finally, the haze has gone down and its time to bring the fur kids out today! We were at Sun Ray Cafe at Serangoon Gardens.

Its located at a row of shop houses, and parking was terrible at the front. For those driving, you might need to go further down and park along the road. We managed to park along the streets of private housings in the end. Just a short walk before our lunch!

Peanut and Sasha's day out

The cafe is well furnished and cozy in a sense. There's even a piano in the restaurant! Ambiance was great and it felt like a good place for an afternoon tea break. They have separate areas for customers with animals. Dogs were free to roam the restaurant, so be prepared for lots of barking and growling at the start. 

Orders were taken by a friendly staff, who didn't shun our two barky rascals. The food pricing is of those pasta restaurants, with Cabonaras at $12.90, Risottos at $18.90. No worries though, there are 3 course set meals at prices of $20 +  for 2 persons. Comes with soups, drinks and main courses. Do order that if you guys visit. So in the end, we spent $30 + for a lunch for two humans and two dogs. That's quite a good deal, considering that you can bring your pets there, air conditioned dining, and of course, nice food.

Risotto @ Sun Ray Cafe
Broccoli soup @ Sun Ray Cafe
Munching off boiled salmon
You can also order food like boiled salmon or chicken for your furkids at $5 to $6. Looked yummy to us, but Peanut and Sasha shall be the judges.

 After a good meal, its time to go home again. Seems like Peanut is ever ready! Go Go Go!
Time to go home!
And that's all we have for this week. Thank you for reading!

The Team,

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