Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pins & Needles

The Humans... they abducted me to the Vet again today. I don't really like going there. It's always soooo cold there and while my fluffs are still growing back slowly, I had no protection at all. Where's my damned coat!? Luckily Human was clever enough to provide me with his laps to lie on, and I had my revenge by drooling all over his pants...

 I noticed that passer bys always tend to stop and ask Human what happened to me. Poor Human had to answer to each one of them patiently, although I can see his face cringing slowly from the bombarding questionings.. Heh heh...

They decided to go ahead with the Arkupunture..Arcupunter...oh whatever they call it. They didn't even consult me first!! Thus I shall do what I do best.. scribbling on their blog again~

Me wired up
I found some pictures of me from the needle poking session on their talking device. Ah.. looks painful doesn't it. Actually, it didn't hurt as much. For months my front legs were feeling so tight that I couldn't walk properly. Vet first gave me a good massage from my neck to my lower back. Vet gave me a heat pad to warm my legs too. While I was still enjoying it, Vet stopped and started poking me with needles! Felt like small ants pinching.

After around 20 pokes, I thought the worst was over. Vet then started clipping wires on the needles... OMG is this some kind of Frankenstein experiment or what?  STOP! LET ME GOOOO...
Funny sensations followed. I felt pulses through my body, and started to relax again.

Anyway, they always make me wear a black nose mask while doing things to me. Dear Human, if you are reading this, you think I'm a ninja issit? Please take off that black thing before taking photos of me OK? You know that my fans would surely like to see my full face right?

The whole session lasted for 1 hour. I felt more relaxed on the treated side. I just went to Wiki on the Arcku.. whatever, and though it says results were mostly ambiguous, I think it did help me much. Humans were discussing about me on the car ride back. I pretended to sleep. I heard everything. YOU GUYS ARE PLANNING ON ANOTHER SESSION!?!? I think I fainted from shock after that. Blacked out, can't remember much.

Me Sleep
So I slept so soundly that night after the treatment, I didn't even wake up to have dinner. Maybe it wasn't that bad, less the fact that I looked like Frankiedog during the process. Humans always liked to take photos of me secretly.. now people know how I look when I sleep. GREAT...

Thanks to Vet, she taught my Humans how to do some physio exercises for my front legs. Hope that I can recover much of my walking abilities soon. I heard the Humans talking about some coming festival called "Da Christmas ", and had received some early presents from my fans. Will write about it again once I get a chance to get on the computer. Maybe the Humans should get me an IPad for "Da Christmas", instead of always getting me PeePads...

Me with Vet

Enough typing for a day. My paws are getting stiff again. Funny, I'm actually looking forward to the next session with Vet and her fantastic massages. Bye!

In the mood for "Da Christmas"
Madam Bear

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