Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Small Contribution to Causes

Just last Thursday, we finally delivered our donations to CAS (Causes for Animals - Singapore). It had been delayed for a week due to the heavy rain that always happens in the afternoon. This contribution was in line with SMU PAW's Howl-o-ween Photo Contest. The contest had an overwhelming response, and thus we donated the pledged amount of $250 worth of merchandises. A total of 8 cartons of cat food were donated.

Off we drove in the heavy rain towards Seletar Farmway. We had never visited that part of Singapore even though we are about a 20 minutes drive away. Many turns we made before arriving at the shelter, thanks to our unintelligent GPS.

We met up with the volunteers of CAS and were about to leave when they graciously offered us into the shelter to give us a short tour. We were introduced to the dogs there, and they welcomed us with lots of licks. Each kennel was surprisingly clean. Travis was practically in awe with the cleanliness. So in awe was he that he totally forgot to take pictures of the shelter *slap*. The volunteers really did a good job maintaining the area.

What does CAS do?

Basically, they receive either food or monetary donations from public, and distributes them to the various shelters in Singapore. Some of their beneficiaries include Oasis 2nd Chance Animal Shelter, Gentle Paws and Exclusively Mongrels. For kind donors who do not know which shelter should they help out with, they can approach CAS. All donations will then be divided equally among the various shelters.

If you are keen on donating food to CAS, you can always approach us at PawMart . We already have a donation system in place for Oasis Shelter and Mdm Wong Shelter. You can read more about CAS at https://www.facebook.com/causesforanimalsSG

We liked the CAS mission statement, " Helping the Helpless, Loving the Unloved." Strays depend much on human feeding or at their best, forage for food in our trash. They are not like wild monkeys or wild boars that have the innate ability to feed off nature. They are gradually endangered by us due to the growing developments in our small city state. Recently we heard a case of an injured stray mongrel, Piglet (click to know more about her). One of her hind legs had to be amputated due to a road accident. Luckily for her, she was rescued and brought the vet in time. We heard from the rescuers that she's doing better now, currently still staying at the vet's clinic.

I'm not trying to be preachy here, but I really like and believe this verse in the Bible, quote

Genesis 1:26 - Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'

Though we can't save them all, let us try our best and make a difference for them, one at a time.

Signing off,
The Team

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