Monday, January 6, 2014

2013, The Year In Review...

As we embark into 2014, let us review our year, in numbers..........

170 Days of Pet Sitting/ Boarding

Pet Sitting / Boarding would be our most popular services among all others. With a total record of 170 incident free days, you can be rest assured that your pets are in our good hands. By filling a simple form, we would have all critical information recorded for emergency contacts, preferred vet clinics and food allergies that your pet have. Any further instructions that you might have for us would be given at the face to face meet up prior to the pet sitting period. You certainly can enjoy your holidays without worries when you leave your pets to us!

100 Pet Taxi Trips

A simple pet taxi trip may turn disastrous with a careless driver. At PawMart, we don't take safety for granted. Each trip is driven with care when transporting your pets. We provide carriers for the protection of your pets, just in case they get restless and starts jumping around in the backseat. We also have a water proof canvas in place to prevent them from falling below the seats. 
Why should you use our pet taxi service instead of a normal cab? 
  1. Unlike most cabs, we do not require your pets to be in a carrier during the car ride. This reduces stress from travelling for your pets.
  2. You no longer need to wait for cabs by the road with your pets, which at most times, unsuccessful when there are few cabbies who are willing to transport animals.
  3. You don't need to listen to the driver grumble about your pet's fur drifting in the cab.
  4. We understand that pets tend to salivate, thus we have a water proof canvas ready to catch all that drool!
  5. Most importantly, we are animal lovers ourselves!
In 2014, we will be upgrading our seat belts to pet friendly harnesses. This will surely enhance your pet's safety while travelling in our vehicle. Stay tuned for more updates on our blog!

42  Food Donation Trips to Shelters

We had a fulfilling year, doing our part to support donation drives for both Madam Wong Animal Shelter and Oasis 2nd Chance Animal Shelter. All food donations are transported down to the shelters free of charge. With a good process system in place, rest assured that your donations will reach the shelters. For more information, do read our blog post on the donation process at

Food supplies for the animal shelters largely depends on kind donations from the public. So do start the year with a donation to a good cause! If you do not have a vehicle and have difficulties to bring the donations down yourselves, please do not let that feeling stop you from donating. PawMart is always here to assist with the shipping! Simply order them from our website under the Donations tab, and we will process your order and shipping from there. Hassle free!

36 Blog Posts

Since moving our events page to this blog spot in May 2013, we have written 36 posts in total. Thank you for taking time off to read about us, and forgive us for any bad grammar that you may have spotted in our posts. Some may say blogging is no longer relevant or trendy for businesses, but we still believe that we can convey our messages to our customers through our writings. Do read our blog when you are feeling bored on a train ride, waiting for a next appointment, or even before going to bed!

5  Outdoor Events

Even though we are an online business, we believe that we should step out of the Internet and reach out to pet owners in person. To achieve this intent, we participate and sponsor outdoor events every year. This year, we were involved in a total of 5 outdoor events:
Even though the world is much digitalized now, we must never lose the human touch! That is why we still do deliveries ourselves as much as possible, so that we can meet up with customers and their pets in person. A small chit chat goes a long way to building a great friendship!

1 New Addition to the Household

As all of you would have guessed it, it's Madam Bear! She's been staying with us coming to more than three months now. I think she had earned her place as a PR . Our two dogs are also very respectful towards her, always respecting her boundaries and never once did they try to snatch her food away.

Although she's still being boarded at our place, we already treat her like one of our own. Our everyday lives now revolves around her. Waking up an hour earlier everyday to prepare her food in the morning, changing the diapers, cleaning and bandaging her skin sores and to exercise her limbs. After a day's work, we come home for another round of the same activities we did in the morning. She's receiving acupuncture treatments for her front legs currently. Taking care of her made us understand the meaning of resilience and perseverance. We would like to thank all the donors and sponsors who came forward to help her, and she wouldn't have made it this far without all of you. Cheers! Visit her Facebook Page at

That roughly sums up 2013 for us. May all of us have a prosperous 2014 ahead!

A Million Thanks for all your support,
The Team @ PawMart

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