Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Enhanced Our Ride!

Well well.. We've finally found time to do up a new post. Hoped everyone had a great time during Chinese New Year!

As announced last month, PawMart's pet taxi is now enhanced with pet safety harnesses! The new Pet Vehicle Safety Harness comes with a fully padded vest, breathable mesh liner inside for comfort and heavy duty steel components (tested to 1300kg). The best of all is that it fits all vehicles! Simply clip it on the seat belts and you are all set to go~

Why are Vehicle Harnesses important?

I'm sure some pet owners who drives would have experienced this. Imagine ...

Scenario 1 

You are driving along the highway with your dog at the back seat. An inconsiderate driver in front of you brakes suddenly, causing you to jam your brakes too. At this moment, you might have forgotten that your pet is seated at the back seat. The sudden braking sends him/her flying off the back seat, landing in an awkward position. To make things worse now, you can't stop at a highway to adjust your pet back to a safe position. What comes after is that you would be so distracted by your pet's whining that it hinders your good judgement. A simple trip out with your pet has now become more dangerous than ever.

Scenario 2

You are driving with your pet at the front passenger seat. I know that some of us like to let them sit at the feet compartment area, hoping that they will stay still throughout the ride. Most often then not, they would try their best to climb up to your lap and cuddle with you, if they are small enough. Now you have a dog on your lap, trying to give you kisses every now and then. The driver gets distracted again, endangering himself and other motorists.

With the pet vehicle harness, your pets will no longer be wandering around in the vehicle while you are driving. The steel clips integrates with the seat belt tension device to provide a range of motion when traveling but locks during sudden stops.  At least now, you have less worries about them when there is a need for sudden brakes.

Milo the Westie was our first customer to try out the new harness! Milo loves watching cars and likes to look out the windows while traveling on our pet taxi trips. This time round, he was snuggled nicely into the harness and sat still throughout the trip. He still gets to move around the back seat, but this time round, we know he is much more safer.

At PawMart, your pet's safety is our utmost concern. If you own a vehicle and likes this product, you can buy it from our web store at  Comes in four different sizes. Get it now for a safe journey on the road with your pets!

Till next time.

The Team @ PawMart

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