Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tips and Tricks on Basic Dog Grooming Part 1

We are going to start off this series with the introduction of the various tools I usually use for basic dog grooming. These equipment can be found easily in any pet shops. Now let us see.....

This picture strangely reminds me of the times when I was still a regular in the Army. We would strip the rifle parts and place them similar to the picture above. Guys who had served NS would know what I mean.. A distant past... Anyway, lets go on. 

Let me introduce everyone to the first equipment.
Pin Brush

The Pin Brush is used for normally used on breeds like Silky Terriers or any other straight hair, long coated breeds. Use it on your pet like how you would comb your own hair. The points of the pins are round so when you comb your pets, it actually acts as a massage for them. Comb often to keep them tidy and also to prevent tangles.

Slicker Brush
I would use the Slicker Brush on breeds with hair types like Jack Russel and short coated Chihuahuas. They come with many pins at the end and are often used to loosen mats (tangles). Take care when cleaning off hair from the slicker brush after using. Many a times the pins went into my nails! Don't be intimidated by the pins as they may look sharp to some.

Straight Comb
Next we have the straight comb. We would be using this comb to straighten out any mats. It is often used as a finisher to get the coat straight. Simple and straightforward.

The Forceps here are similar to the ones doctors use during operations, to hold on to arteries or cottons. For pet grooming, we use them to pluck out ear hair and cotton wrap the tip to do ear cleaning. You can also use alternatives like cotton buds that humans uses if your dog is small enough.

Nail Cutter
Nail Filer
The Nail Cutter is for cutting nails. Comes in many sizes so do get the correct one for your dog. There are many types in the market, but personally I feel that its all the same.

The Nail Filer on the right is for filing the nails after cutting them so that they are not left course and sharp. If nail filing is not done after cutting them, the dog may scratch itself or you badly. I'm sure many of you have experienced it before when you have a happy dog scratching on you for attention.Yikes!

The small Clipper is for shaving hair under paws, under bellies and the area around the dog's anus. Battery operated, its safe to shave those areas I mentioned as its blades are mostly made of plastic and runs at a lower speed than the motorized shaver that are used for full shaving ( most call it shave Bo Tak ).

Eye Cleaner
Here on the right is a normal eye cleaner, used for cleaning off eye goo or eye mucus (in Chinese we may call it crudely as 屎). Eye cleaner solutions are mostly made up of water and ingredients that are safe for animals. If you are really worried about whats they put in the bottle like me, you may get the one in the picture on the right, Ecoland Eye Cleaner by Budle Budle. I have to tell you first that the description on the whole bottle is in Korean, except for its product name and usage. It does have some organic ingredients in it like green tea and rosemary oil. Nowadays everyone goes for organic this and that. I'm just one of them :)

Ear Powder
The Ear Powder dries up the wax in the inner ear and makes it easier for you to remove any overgrown ear hair. Dirt often gets trapped on the ear hair, so if its not removed regularly, ear infection may set in. People often ask me with a cringed face whether the dogs feel pain when we do the plucking. I would always answer them honestly, "Yes, they feel pain. Then again, if you don't let me remove them, a ear infection is going to be much worse." There is also this debate between vets and groomers on whether we should clean their ears manually or just pour the solution in and let it do its work. My take is that, anything that smells, is not good and must be removed!

Ear Cleaner
Ear Cleaners are used right after you finish plucking the inner ear hair. Applied on a cotton wrapped around the tip of the Forceps, we will start digging the ears of its BLACK GOLD ( Ear wax, that is) There are a lot of different brands but as long as it does the job, I would use them all. I've been using the one on the left for its eucalyptus scent after cleaning. Eucalyptus is a type of flowering tree, and its leaves produces a soothing smell same as those nose rubs like Vicks.

Lastly we have the Styptic Powder. It is a must-have when you are doing the nail cutting. When you cut the nails too short , it is often cut into the quick and the next thing you will hear is a shriek from your poor dog. The nail will start bleeding and because its coming out from a vein, its not easy to stop the blood flow. Styptic Powder does the trick for this type of accidents. A small pinch of it and a little pressure on the nail wound will stop the bleeding in minutes.

Of course not forgetting Towels and Cottons!

After reading through the equipment list and introductions, let me summarize.

Pin Brush
Slicker Brush
Straight Comb
Nail Cutter
Nail Filer
Eye Cleaner
Ear Powder
Ear Cleaner
Styptic Powder

If you haven't been giving your dog some Tender Loving Care, its time to put it into action! Let us go prepare the tools needed and I shall cover as much tips as I can in the following weeks. Though basic grooming only takes an hour to finish, but there are lots of details to look into. PawMart do have most of the tools for sale, so if you need anything just look up our website.

That's all I have for this week. Thanks for reading~

Signing off,

PS: Please don't mistake me as a master groomer of any sorts. I am just a groomer who had finished his basic training and looks forward to sharing some knowledge that all pet owners should have. I will not be liable to any injuries sustained in the process . Of course, always be careful when you handle your pets.

1 comment:

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